WowMuchSkiwish there were more people here to talk skiing with
i hear ya there, helena can be a lonely place for a newschooler sometimes( was born and raised there, now in missoula but ya) , like someone else said, get your self up to GD next winter/fall ( they open fucking early) , and meet some NSs up there. GD is a great place with the nicest staff in the west, and they do there best to have a fun mountain and a good park with what they have etc. but you will deff meet some people up there who share the same love of skiing that you have, i can guarentee it. they may not go to Caroll , but you can at least meet some skiiers to hang out with and shred with as well. Caroll is an amazing school in alot of ways, but i hear it sucks ass on the social side so it crucial to just get out and meet other peeps who dont go there. go\od luck.