Otherwise make some cash offers. This is going to be run like an auction so offer up. I will post prices as people bid.
All Hoodies are 35
The O.G. is a jacket and not a hoodie. So yes it's more expensive.
+K for bumps
-K for lowballs.
Saga OG Logo Jacket 8.5/10 Size XL - 35.5 inches long - just a single crack on the front logo
Saga Enlisted Vest 7/10 Size L - 35 inches long - snap on pocket is popped out
Saga Triple Stacked 9/10 Size XL - 33 inches long - haven't worn this much
Jiberish Orange Stacked 4XL 9/10 its been worn but never skiing.
Rhythm Coat 9/10 Size XL - not worn much its about 35 inches long
Line Hackett XXL 9/10 - not worn much - 34 inches long
Atomic Hoodies XXL 9/10 - not worn much - 32 inches long - these were dealer perks so cant find em in stores
Airblaster Pants L. semi loose semi tight kind of inbetween steezes. Will give these out for mad cheap as they are pretty beat up around the feet. Don't expect these to sell.
Marker Bachelor Vest XL - 9/10 - this was part of my work uniform and I never wear it. But you should.
get lit and buy my shit.