This only works if your 17 and still a kid. As when you get older this type of "shit" (no pun intended), is no big deal. When you live with someone for years, your bound to smell each others nasty ass smelling shits. As the children's book says, everybody poops!
When your 17, its all about fucking as many fine females as possible. Physical attraction is what lures people together, but after the excitement of a new relationship wears off.....the physical attraction is very minuscule.
Best way is like some others have said. Get out, don't sit around by yourself blazing, and watching tv. Get out, go to the gym, hikes, biking...ect.
I am going through a divorce right now, and its heart breaking, to say the least. My wife left me a year ago for another man. II spent 8 months cooped up in my room blazing my problems away. I blazed so much that, I actually have very little interest in getting stoned anymore. Just doesn't do it for me. I used it as way to escape. I didn't work, and in fact it made me even more depressed. I am all about the herb, and not looking to get into a debate, but there is a for sure a direct correlation between depression and over use of marijuana.
Sounds like your young, your life is far far from over. Don't get sucked up into long term relationships, just enjoy your life, and take advantage of what comes before you. No need to go out searching for that special someone, it will happen when you least expect it. Ohhh and since this is NS, I have to mention that you for sure should pee in her butt.