under flips. - k I used to do them 90 lincoln 90, but then I watched them like 90 times in all my ski movies, and completely chainged my aproach. I start out just like a corked 7, but as soon as I see the ground behind me - at 180 - I tuck it down lik a front flip..... since I have already set the cork, I just do the front on an angle, and come out switch... it is weird when I come out, cuz I am fliping one way and rotating an other direction completely, but it you grab in it, it usually puts you right to your feet - kind of ends like a backwards lincoln or something though... weird. what ever it is a fun trick when you nail it.
Corked spins. these are actually really easy, and all it takes is comitment. It feels kinda weird to do them the first few times, but once you got them, you are like 'what the hell - these are easy' k so here is the shit. the thing with corkes is that you gota start the spin first. if you just jump back and start spining, you won't come upright again. so start by spinning like a 720, but a bit down and to the left. at 180, you want to lean forward more, then bring your legs up, grab the safety, and hang on. keep looking down. <--- that is for an uphill cork.
cork 2 - this is the less common down hill cork. this is almost exactly the opposite in setting. start out by setting the spin of the 7, but look a bit UP and to the left. then at 180, lean back, and pull your legs in for the grab, and start looking way down... spin it through to 7, and yea. mk. later