Vedauwoo is indeed known for its offwidths. The 'woo is the place to go in the US (and perhaps the world) for offwidths. I actually kind of hate offwidths and they are by far my weakest style of climbing. Both of me knees currently look like they had a cheese grater rubbed vigorously up and down them due to an offwidth I climbed last weekend in shorts and without tape. My hands are pretty terrible looking right now as well. Offwidths are simply painful and progress is measured by the inch, not the foot.
That said, I own a lot of wide gear. I have (all Camalots): #3.5, #4 x2, #4 (old style), #4.5 x2, #5, #5 (old style). I haven't bought a 6 yet and a Valley Giant is solidly on my to-buy list. I'm looking to sell a few of my wide pieces if you're interested.