all he has is a pair of handcuffs that anyone can buy for 40 bucks
Plus even if a door is still ajar on a car it won't open. it would have to be completely not shut.
Anyways, someone on the internet says they
-got arrested
-officer didn't take down any info whatsoever in the arrest
-is put into the only cop car in North America that doesn't have locked back doors
-jumped out of the moving car with his arms cuffed with no damage to himself
-while cuffed manages to outrun a cop on foot, while he's in a car
-would have to get the one cop in North America who wouldn't love the opportunity to chase some punk down
-only has a pair of cuffs that anyone can buy to show for it
-says it was God's doing
I don't buy it, but whatever. believe what you want.