*Sorry if there's been a thread already but.....
Full length movie available for free download at Freeskier Podcasts on itunes. I just finished watching it and it was really really good!! Full of style and bangers from our favorite Park City Mountain Riders!
Keefer, Wallisch (closes it with a banger segment), Stepp, Berman, Talkington, McChesney, Christenson, Schlopy, Ware, Barnes, Kutcher, Holson, Partridge, McRae, Ferguson, Krazy Karl, Euler and more!
"To highlight the action-packed season, and to showcase Park City’s high level of local talent, the folks at PCMR—in collaboration with 4BI9 Media—present IRPC: SKI!, a 25-minute-long short film, exclusively available via the Freeskier Podcast."
Link to download and enjoy: