THIS! poorly trained dogs and their owners are so fucking annoying, i had to spend four days with this bitchy ass girl and her angy, not at all trained dog, while camping in wyoming with some friends. if you got close to the dog it would growl and bark, get within a foot or two and it would snap at you, i finally gave it nice slap on the nose after two days of it snapping at me, and got bitched out for 10 minutes because of it. after that i just kicked it away any time it ran up to me and started growling/snapping, the girl was just pure anger for the next two days. by the end of the trip pretty much everyone took over the girls job of training the dog and disciplining it and she was pretty much ready to explode in a violent rage. she couldnt communicate without screaming.
cant fucking stand people like that, "im gonna bring my scary ass shitty dog that i'm not willing to even attempt to train on a camping trip and make it a shitty time for everyone else just because i can, and shame on you for not accepting that" those people need to be put down.