I want to hear what you think are the top influential agents on the development of your style.
Here is a list of my own to give you an idea of what I'm talkin about. This is a personal list and is only the way I feel about it right now. It was different when I was younger and will probably continue to change:
1.My friends and the feedback they give me. if a buddy says "Dude that was sick!" i'm going to do it again, only better.
2. Random shredders on the mountain. Even though what you see at your ski hill may not be as epic or huge as the stuff pros throw down in movies, you're right there experiencing it in person. This definitely has a greater impact on me than ski movies, probably due to the fact that, these days, everything you see in a ski film is just fucking ridiculously crazy...
3. Ski movies...obviously.
4. the Soul. I didn't know where to put this one because ultimately I think it's number one. But the soul, for the most part, is something intangible and it's really hard to prove it has an effect on anything. But I believe that if you feel connected and are aware of your soul, it can be the most powerful influential agent, ever.
5. Time spent on the mountain. This one is for the sake of logic. If you don't spend time skiing, you won't develop as tyle. And typically, the more time you spend on skis the more you are able to develop your style!
Stoked to see what everyone has to say!