>Highschool has award ceremony for the top students (athletes, smarts, arts etc)
>6,000 students watching from around the district + superintendent etc
>School takes event very very seriously
>All athletes are strictly warned by coaches that any sort of misbehavior wont be tolerated
>Nerds wont do anything funny cause.. well.. nerds.
>I have 2 positions in spotlight assembly, one for being an all state waterpolo player, one for placing 2nd in large district wide photography comp
>Go up for water polo, stand there in spotlight and do nothing, just like coach said
>Come out second time, this time for photography, no coach no rules
>Music is playing
>I start to dougie under spot light (it was popular at this time)
>Entire student body begins roaring with laughter
>Standing backflip in last 4 seconds
>Crowd goes fucking wild, takes at least 10 minutes for them to get the ball rolling again
>MFW the rest of the day I cant walk 5 feet down the hall without someone trying to tell me how epic it was
Never even got in trouble for doing it, one of our deans actually told me I had some real balls and he couldnt stop laughing during it.
It doesnt sound very funny on paper, but in the situation we were all in, and how serious the school took this, it was.
Hearing so many people laughing with me was fuckin epic