the thing you guys dont understand is that people don't just go the fuck out and huck shit. they train, and practice. every day, for years. i've worked at a gymnastics camp and everything they do is just a progression of something else. you start low, build your way up. even though the end result is a bunch of ridiculous crazy spinny twirl things that you can barely even see, its all completely under control and something they've been working up towards for a long time.
shit even a sedentary shmuck like myself could do standing backflips and back fulls on traps very comfortably just through 2 months of training with the right coaches.
it's pretty awesome to see, absolutely, but in no way do i look at this shit and think "holy fuck that's incredibly crazy hucking skills". it's just the result of a lot of training and gradual progressions that you master and take one step further.