Putin also stated that Russia will not go to war over Syria.
Unfortunately on the 9/11 front people prefer to go to the internet, watch all these "truth reports" and never actually read anything that can be considered wholly credible. I'm sure if the public were to go out and buy a book, such as Ali Soufan's The Black Banners or Lawrence Wright's The Looming Tower they would pretty much understand that 9/11 was not a false flag attack and that it is utterly ridiculous that people actually believe this. These books clearly state the motivation of the perpetrators to the attacks, how they did it and even the failures of the agencies responsible for preventing the attacks. The best part about published books? You can go find reviews on them written by credible groups, they are fully sourced with real sources (journals, real newspapers, actual intelligence) and all the information can be cross referenced with other books on the topic.
Sure it may be easier to watch ten youtube clips put out by "architects and engineers for 9/11 truth" or some other group of conspiracy theorists but the information will be either tailored, discombobulated or straight out lying. On the other hand, if you truly want to get an accurate account for what happened you can read a 600+ page book, read reviews both praising and criticizing the book and start to formulate an opinion with much better information. Unfortunately it is much easier for someone else to interpret the information for you, that's what all these conspiracy groups are doing, instead of reading a large variety of text and formulating your own opinion.