Honestly the best way to make money is to study your ass off and get into a top college. As for paying for college, you will likely have to take out loans but as long as you study something in demand you will get a job and pay them off and be more than set money wise for the rest of you're life.
The better the school is the more likely they will have better financial aid which means you'll need to take out less loans.
As for jobs while in high school, colleges actually look upon them favorably as if they were an extra curricular activity - they will ask for hours worked. So if you work at a pizza place or country club for a long time in high school it'll be good to make some money and will help out your application (but you still need other good extra curriculars).
Your best bet is to get a job related to your interests. If you like skiing work at a ski shop. If you play hockey, get a job at the ice rink, if you like working out get a job at a gym. Some high paying high school jobs are caddying, working at an upscale restaurant or country club (may need prior experience), construction, or lawn maintenance. If you can get a job somewhat related to your field of interest then that is really good like if you want to study business and you get a job doing secretarial work at family friend's office.
Other profitable options I've thought of are buying candy or cigarettes in bulk and selling them at school, however most schools ban selling anything on school grounds. Another idea I had but never did was to buy shot glasses with your high school logo on them in bulk and sell them but it's probably illegal to use the logo and sell them in school. Also selling stuff probably won't net much and may be like a one time thing.
If you learn web design or graphic design you may be able to make some money (I know friends who make a shit ton doing web design) and its all on your own time...but it takes time to learn and you really have to be interested in it.