Filmed a lot this year, and was just wondering if you guys could critique me on editing and filming. And as for next year I am already equipped with a new camera the Gh2 and a wieldy stabilizer soo... yea. This edit was all filmed on my Nikon d5100 which is not the best for exposure in video mode which I learned the hard way. SOOOOO.... Enjoy and comment with feedback
Skiing Reel 2012/2013 from PB N' J Media on Vimeo.
My First Season behind the lens. I had lots of fun this year, and I am really hyped that I have something to show all my work from this season.
Equipment Used: Nikon d5100 + Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 + Nikon 55-200mm f/4-5.6
Song: Nas- Get Down
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