As you may or may not know, advertisements are how we keep Newschoolers running. The majority of our readers understand this and support the site by not blocking ads on it.
Why should I unblock ads on this website?
Because they enable us to keep Newschoolers free! Not only do they do that, but they allow us to reward our content creators, offer new features, better coverage and much, much more.
Does blocking ads really negatively impact you guys?
Yes! Very much so, and not only Newschoolers, but other sites/people in the industry who depend on ads to survive.
If 50% of our users are using adblock, we need to work twice as hard just to sustain Newschoolers.
What should I do then?
Please support us by unblocking ads on This helps keep things going, and creating the content that you're checking out.
I feel some of your ads are too instrusive.
We work with some of the most reputable ad companies, and although we're not perfect, our ads shouldn't auto-play audio or cause too much havoc for you. If that does happen, please let us know so we can get it fixed.
How can I support Newschoolers if I really do hate ads?
Buy some Newschoolers merchandise, become a donator, contribute positively to the website, share links on Facebook, etc.
I'm not blocking ads, but I'm seeing a message that I am!
Please let us know what your web browser is, and what platform you're viewing the site from (mobile phone, computer, etc.) and we'll investigate this and try and fix it.
I have a lot of questions you didn't answer here.
Please feel free to leave them in the comments, and also check out this post on Destructoid, which explains a lot of the ins and outs of ads and ad blocking.