a lot of awesome info and feedback from you guys. really helps us confirm what we already do well, and what we can improve on.
we definitely agree with what someone had mentioned about a website. our website blew before, and really gave no good info on our store. this week specifically we have been hammering away at the new site which you guys should check out! www.verticaldropskiandboard.com no e-commerce yet, but we may dabble into that. check out our new "Corporate Shops Suck" t's, we love em haha
we've also been expanding our freestyle section to some of those core brands mentioned. we usually just had the basics, k2, volkl, line, etc. but are starting to open up to more core brands and handmade stuff. this year we're bringing on Epic Planks and are more than stoked, hoping to add a few more US brands next year. also we are bringing in SAGA this year which will really help out our outerwear selection.
thanks again for all the great feedback! again, we really do value your guys' opinions!