Going to Utah would be like road tripping, except you would get to ski all the time and you'd be going to school as well. That "business connections" comment was likely one of the more foolish/childish things I've read even on NS. Who the hell do you think you'll meet while carrying a high school diploma and a good attitude that's impressed by your unique decision to discover yourself and ski bum for a while? I don't think you can fully understand how much it would cost just with lift tickets and gas to road trip to ski resorts for a year with no sustainable source of income, much less understand how ridiculous that idea sounds.
Also, I don't know what an "entrepreneurial" friend is like. I know friends with businesses they made from the ground up, but I don't think I know any without a business that I would describe as entrepreneurial just because they think they have good ideas. That's like me saying I'm a magnificent chef just because I can picture a gourmet meal in my mind.
You have ideas about your major in college and that's great if you go there, but keep in mind that that is of very little importance at this stage. Just don't close doors. Academically, your freshman year is about checking the boxes and knocking out Calc classes, not about becoming a mechanical engineer.
So basically I think you're being a gigantic pussy about this because you are afraid of being a big kid. You either go to school full force, or you bum it full force and pick a location to do it right while you figure life out. You could easily give both a solid effort at Utah so I don't know what the dilemma is honestly. Just be prepared to forfeit any financial aid your parents might have sent your way amidst the pride they felt when you decided not to live in your car like a homeless person. I doubt they'd offer to buy your books or send you care packages filled with socks and Chipotle gift cards when you're a 26 year old freshman.