And, roddy....dude, give it a rest. You are literally a child. You have zero life experience, and your ideas about the world and your belief system on a whole is 100% the product of your parents and your narrow cultural experience. Your opinions about things like education, employment, entitlement, etc.couldn't be less valuable. So, you taking an indignant, sarcastic stance about a topic like this is laughable. Please though, find an adorable meme for me! It really lets me know how special I am to you.
Nowhere did I say people shouldn't put any effort in, and that education was worthless. And, the other knuckle head, news flash—economic superiority is not the only measure by which one's life can be deemed a success. You've no clue what Ahmet, or anyone for that matter, actually values. Plenty of people from affluent backgrounds who have had access to all the luxuries money affords make conscious decisions to make their life about something other than making as much money as humanly possible. That's not to say that prioritizing wealth is inherently bad or less than noble, but simply pointing out that it isn't the only worthwhile pursuit.
Stop with the commie, redistribution of wealth fucking paranoia. The truth is, and what my snarky original comment was really getting at, is that there is a perception among children/adolescents of a certain age that all they have to do is get good grades, do what the world says they should, and a barbie dream house awaits them at the end of the rainbow, and it just isn't the case. Or, rather, it isn't a given. There is a huge sense of entitlement that exists in this country, and it isn't just embodied by those who expect "government handouts".