Ego needs to be checked - the self righteousness and extremism of the
egomaniac is tearing this world apart. Just because we are blessed with
(the illusion of) Free Will - does not justify our actions in the name
of our beliefs and Ego. Check yo self 'Fore you wreck Yo'self
- Ben If free will is an illusion that we don't actually possess then telling people to check their ego is rather pointless.
- Shawn - Well the brackets are because its impossible to know if we do or not. But since we are alive , whats the point of thinking its all predetermined? its a dead end thought , not to mention a cowardly cop-out of self admission and ownership of one's actions, thoughts, and feelings. Way more alive to have free will. There would be no point otherwise. And why bother if theres no point? Might as well kill ourselves. But then thats already decided for us, so hey, lets all just pollywog in the goo of indeterminatism. - Science already does that for us, so back to free will for me. And for your second point , " I " am not telling, I am speaking to all WoMankind 6.8 Billion to realize that We are alive now to represent our ancestors and to get it right before the Meteor Hits. On the topic of Science, it seems, to me, that it is kind of like a child, learning its surroundings, learning that the stove is hot and the concrete scrapes. It really falls short when it comes to WHY WE ARE HERE> Which is my point. I feel we are here to Do The Right Thing. For our Ancestors and Bloodlines, for Our Creator, whether elemental or spiritual or both, for US , the LIVING, and for The Future - To Save IT. To Shape IT. To MAKE IT. Karma will guide the way with Destiny . Working together, combined with your Heart of Bravery, the Path is shown. Its not our EGO that brings us here, it is our Humble Observation and Acceptance of Our Role . .... something like that.