I know I'm not supposed to take you seriously, because your dismal, internet-centered life has consumed your ability to be rational, which is sort of sad really... But I'm gonna go ahead and say my piece anyways.
I don't see why the amount of time I have owned the car really matters, but I have had it since July 3rd. I've put about 1000 miles on it so far, a pretty good portion of which has been on dirt roads. And actually I've been pretty impressed. It takes ruts and things like that pretty hard because the suspension is so stiff, but the AWD has been great. We'll see what happens when I get some studded tires and drive it on ice/snow, but I've heard that if you have the right rubber on your rims, STI's are great at that shit.
Also... It's regarded as "the worst" because 2008 is the year that they changed the styling and softened it up a bit. I'm 19 and this car is my daily driver... I'm not a rally driver, I've never driven on a track, and I don't intend to do either thing. I needed a car which can handle snow/dirt/mud, and I wanted one which is fast... It is both of those things. My point from the start was that my STI, like all STI's and AWD Subaru's are intended to handle mild terrain, and make it over mild obstacles, like small rocks, branches and speed bumps. If you want a car that makes sense to stance, in my opinion, you should get an M3 or something which was intended to hug asphalt in the first place.
On a side note, what do you drive? You talk like you think you're an expert, and I'm curious to see what someone with such strong opinions would choose.