I tried contacting TSA but they were busy yesterday when I called and I am trying to contact them today. I am going on this trip to New York and there is this girl that is my age that is going to be there and she wants me to bring some marijuana for her and a couple friends to smoke one or two nights so it would be I was thinking somewhere in the ballpark of two grams, plus some edibles that I am planing to take through the security check point at sea-tac which will be gone by the time I land.
In May I was given a medical marijuana recommendation so in the state of WA I can legally possess 24 ounces of cannabis. Just a couple days ago I came across this article that discussed bringing medical marijuana through the security checkpoints at Sea-Tac.
"Seattle continues to be at the forefront of compassionate cannabis policy and this has now moved into the travel sector. The 2011 precedent, set with regard to flying with medical marijuana out of Sea-Tac International Airport, is one of brazen acceptance and an almost nonchalant attitude. When Mike Schaef, of Tacoma, placed two grams of cannabis in a scanner bowl at a security checkpoint, he was allowed to proceed with his medication with just minor questioning and no real hassle. He was able to board the plane with cannabis in hand. However, the case of a 36-year-old woman with breast cancer, who had her cannabis seized at the Indianapolis airport and was also a medical marijuana patient in the state of California, illuminates an antithetical end to this spectrum. While she was not charged for her possession, authorities stuck with the illegal status of cannabis as their guide and reportedly destroyed the confiscated medicine. The departure airport is going to be the main security checkpoint of your travel, so following the regulations of the city you’re flying out of is crucial. But the Indianapolis case shows how landing with cannabis can quickly become an issue at your arrival airport too. So, proceed with caution and care."
What do you guys think? I will probably be able to get some ladies if I get the herbs.