When I got my permit two long years ago, I drove every chance I got. I drove in every weather condition possible and living in Minnesota, the winter's can get pretty bad. Luckily having an AWD car helped a lot with the winter driving. I remember the night before I took my test it had snowed 6 inches and I was scared shitless that the roads would be really bad. I ended up passing with a 100%.
Four days later it was a school dance and I got pulled over at 2 am going 50 in a 30, ran a red light, too many people in the car, didn't have my lights on because I had just dropped someone off and didn't want to wake their parents and I couldn't find the papers saying that I had passed my test. I gave the officer my permit and he came back a few minutes later and said that it hadn't gone through the system yet and I remember word by word what he said next. "But tonight's your lucky night, I need to go to another call. You're free to go."
Most terrifying and life-changing event that changed the way I drive today. I learned fast that you don't fuck around behind the wheel. Driving is a serious thing and you fuck up your life if you do anything remotely stupid. I'm glad that happened to me because I shaped up in a hurry. It made me into a better driver because I don't want that to ever happen again. I believe I'm a better driver than most people in my town, but you learn new things everyday. If you're driving, don't trust anyone else on the road, because you never know what other people are going to do. Driving defensive is a good thing, especially when you're just starting out.