MinggMy brother's been using heroin on and off since I was 8. He pretty much has lost everything but still goes back to it time and time again. It's crazy how a substance, a drug, can take over your life like that. Straight up crazy.
Same here. Pretty much ever since I can remember my brother has been addicted. I don't think most people understand that heroin addicts are always addicts, they never will truly break free from that addiction. Many people in here are sitting and hypothesizing about what drugs are worse than heroin etc etc but it comes down to personal experience in order to truly understand how fucked up this drug is. But I'll put it in perspective.
How many people have honestly had to deal with the full blown side effects of living with an addict? That's a serious question, but here are some of my experiences: Having to install locks on every single door inside your home, getting a phone call on father's day when you're out golfing with your dad that your brother just OD'd, going up to the local pawn shop and finding out that half of their entire store inventory is from things your brother has stolen from your family over the past few years, stealing and selling family heirlooms, crashing your car while high then reporting it stolen, I could go on for pages.
As to why is it so popular? The guy up their nailed it. It starts with pills, you get hooked and then realize it's too expensive to maintain your habit then you ultimately switch to H.
Sorry for the rant and sorry if this offends anyone currently dealing with anything related to this subject, these are just my personal experiences.