So to all you 14 year old potheads and burnout pros,I present my fun facts about rastafarians.
1. It was founded on the principle that africans were the lost tribe of Israel, and the rightful heirs to King David's throne. A man named Marcus Garvey promoted this ideal to empower the black community of Jamaica, and eventually much of the Carribean islands
2. In 1930 Haile Selassie took the ethiopian throne. He kind of sort of fought off the Italians with the aid of the British, which was seen by rastafarians as good. He was then accepted as the second coming of Jesus Christ.
3. True Rastafarians are far right wing super christians. They follow every word of the bible. Gay sex is evil, women should obey men, etc. They are also Kosher or in some cases vegetarian for religious reasons.
4. The idea of dreadlocks stems from the same verse that convinces hassidic jews to keep their hair things.
Rastas let their beards and dreads grow for the same reasons jews do. They also keep their heads covered at all times, just as a yarmulka does.
5. They believe that white society, aka Babylon, is out to prevent the spread of the truth of Haile Selassie being the second coming of Jesus, and that Jesus was black in the first place. This doesn't mean that every white person is evil, but in their eyes western society as a whole is an evil.
6. Weed isn't a fundamental part of the rasta religion. Many believe it cleanses the mind and body, and many rasta's smoke and study the bible. But it isn't a must, and there is no bible verse that says they have to.
7. Jah = God. Not some other spiritual meaning, it means Abraham's god.
8. An atheist rastafarian can't exist.
9. I really doubt tanner is a real rastafarian
10. enjoy