To conclude this: Do whatever you are certified with. If not find someone thats certified. If not, use your head, if you think you know how to do it, Give it a try, cant really make it way worst than it is.
Put your head close to the persons mouth, face the persons stomach and look for breathing.
If there isn't, try cpr.
I dont care if you've learned it a different way, good for you !
Theres not a universal way to do it.
BUT, the idea is the same.
Get the blood, and oxygen flowing in that body till the ambulance arrives.
If you want to argue any of the techniques I talked about bellow, please email red cross or any association that teach these practices. Just remember that people study those techniques every year for flaws and try to improve it. I believe what I learned is correct and I hope I will never have to use these practices.
* I strongly suggest you taking a CPR class. Its just an excellent thing to know.
Quick questions:
How long does it take for someone to drown ?
How much water do you need in order to drown ?
Yesterday a 2 year old girl died in Quebec , her mom left the pool gate open by mistake.
People with children at home, please be careful. 99.9% of these deaths happen at home.