Trucks, people always swear by independent as they have been around the longest, but plently of companies make quality product. Royal, Thunder, Tensor, to mention a few others. Also try to get a mid rise truck to start. Some will disagree as higher rise gives more pop, and higher ollies, while low trucks give the board a more centralized wieght, meaning kickflips should flip smoother... fuck my wording, I just cant think of a better way to say it.
Decks, same situation, people will swear by some companies, while others say they are shit, but for the most part everything is quite similar. Most people recommend to get an 8" wide deck to start. A blank is usually just a blank color and typically(from my experience) has the local shops logo/name and will run about $25-30.
Wheels, I always go spitfire. 52mm is pretty standard I think. Again people all prefer different shit.
As you ride more you will find you like some brands and sizes more.
TLDR; just go read Jake's post, I forgot his was there and put too much time into this post to just say fuck it now