Rparrah man edibles made from oil are potent. I used to just straight up decarb oil, mix it with coconut oil and put them in gel capsules. It turned me into a vegetable for many hours. I'm surprised you didn't have a harder time, that's a fair amount of thc. Even my sweat smelled like weed for several weeks after I kicked the habit. I got rid of my rig and only smoke flower now because I know I can't handle myself with oil. I was getting good oil for like 10/g and it turned me into a monster
10 a g? Fuq.
I think it's more a lifestyle thing for me...I'm gonna come off as a huge douche saying this but even with the copious amounts of THC I was putting into my system, I think the difference is that I'm not like a stereotypical stoner...I've never let weed get in the way of my life in major ways you know? I go to an excellent school, still go to class and get all of my work done, study my ass off, work out all the time and eat healthily, go out all the time with my friends, etc even if all of this is happening when I'm cooked. So when I finally did find the willpower to make that initial stop in smoking (which was extremely difficult - I said I was going to do it so many times in the past few months), I still had my routine to back me up. If I stay busy throughout the entire day, it hasn't really crossed my mind all that much, until I get in bed and can't sleep...
oh well. That'll fix itself eventually. Not sure if I'm going to stop smoking completely for months on end...this was more of a test for me to prove to myself that I could stop seeing I know I'm going to have to stop this spring for internships...