Hello fellow M&A brethren,
So, I am pondering switching systems from my t2i to something more portable and with better build quality.
Before I start, I'll list my current setup of gear specific to canon:
-Canon t2i
-Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 non vc
-Canon 70-200mm f/4L non IS
-Optika 6.5mm f/3.5 fisheye
-430ex ii
(essentially a classic NS setup)
it is also worth nothing I shoot 80% stills 20% video but largely enjoy having the option to shoot both.
The reason I'd like to switch being is that I find the size/shape if my t2i too awkward to bring around with me on a regular basis, say hanging with friends or whatever. I'd prefer if I could take my camera everywhere. Also, as I said earlier, the build quality of the t2i makes it feel exactly how it is, cheap (to be expected for a $400 camera). To avoid these minor yet ever present and limiting shortcomings (in terms of how often I can grab my camera) I feel I have been left with 2 options:
DISCLAIMER: With these two options I am not exactly looking for an "upgrade" but rather a switch.
(I realize this may seem a petty reason to switch but to me, when decent sensor performance is assumed, in order of importance optics takes first followed by ergonomics.)
Option 1: Sell all of my gear, netting me about $1600 and go micro 4/3 with an Olympus OM-D EP-5 ($1000 new or ~$800 used) and the Panny 20mm f1/7 ($400) or Panny Leica 25mm f/1.4 ($550). Now I am willing to spend roughly 1.5 grand after that so I was thinking maybe the Oly 45mm f/1.8 ($400) and the panny 7-14mm f/4 ($1000).
My thoughts on option 1:
I find that when I shoot my 17-50 I will either shoot at the 80mm full frame equivalent, ~50mm full frame equivalent, or at it's widest ~28mm full frame equivalent (which I almost always find it not wide enough). So the 3 lenses listed would cover everything I had with the t2i on the standard/wide end except sharper and distortion free, while maintaining about the same DOF which is not necessarily an advantage/disadvantage but does offer less control over DOF. The only thing I am missing in this setup is my 70-200mm which I almost exclusively use for surfing. I do have access to a canon FD 70-210mm f/4 which would be nice due to the fact that I find my 70-200 slightly lacking reach. The one disadvantage would be that the 70-210mm is heavy and full manual but I always shoot surfing using a tripod so I should be able to get around it. What's nice about the Oly is that it has excellent image stabilization built into the sensor so it will work with any legacy glass.
Option 2: This one is quite simple, keep what I've got and get a fuji x100 or x100s. I feel like the x100s is the better call here. I've gotten the chance to shoot an x-pro-1 with the 20mm and the files were superb and I've heard that the 23mm lens on the x100(s) is even better.
My thought on option 2:
$1500 is a lot to drop on a fixed lens system. I initially though the x-pro-1 would offer more flexibility but the x mount lineup has nothing on the ultra wide and tele end and probably never will. With this option I feel I will long for more focal length versatility and that it will limit the amount of use I get from my t2i making me want to have gone with option 1.
In conclusion:
So, I'm more or less looking for opinions on either system and micro 4/3 in general. If you guys have used either of the cameras or any of the lenses listed what do you think about them? If you guys have any other options that seem more logical to you I'd love to hear them as well. I hate to subject you guys to such a long thread but thought I may as well explain my entire thought process in the first place to save explaining it later. This was originally intended for the unthreadworthy thread but I thought I put enough effort in it to deserve its own thread.
Any thought or opinions would be largely appreciated.