Seattle fans actually show up for sports when they're happening, at least...
I went to a fucking 49ers vs DALLAS game for fucks sake, and saw mostly cowboys fans... and even so, the SF fans arrived in maybe the 2nd quarter and left after the 3rd... I already said this, but
I have never seen a packed game at the phone booth to start or end the game unless it's filled with Dodgers fans, or it's the playoffs, and a shitload of bandwagon fucks want to get their money's worth. It only sells out half the time because 'oooo pretty stadium view!'. Half the game people are just circlejerking on their smartphones... Shit. There used to be a guy who just sat there on his laptop all game, and was famous for it.
Here's some photos of typical bay area fans
^(Ironically a Boston fan haha)
I hope those guys catch a foul ball... right to their fucking temple.
And then when they tried to do their best Vancouver impression? They looked even dumber.