i also think the price is to high, i would pay $150-200 for the quality you are offering and yes locally made products make a slight difference for me i would pay $50 more for local stuff
a few other things
-you could add mustard to components other than the Velcro
-you could add black to the options for the hood
-you could make more customizable options such as a three colour camo, a gradient or stripes(like being able to drag a line and change the colour above that point and/or below another so you can have stripes of varying thickness.)
-i would pay more for better waterproofing
-pants should be your next big push so peoples pant colours can match with there jackets.
-you could make a second jacket with insulation that costs more
I am sure there is more but i cant think of it right now. If you made some of these adjustments i would more seriously contemplate buying one of your jackets.