I twisted my ankle pretty bad about 3 weeks ago playing paintball. I slipped on some paint while trying to crouch down, and my foot went out to the side and twisted real bad. I seriously thought I had broken my leg, never felt that much pain before.
Now 3 weeks later is has gotten a lot better, but the pain is still there. Like when I try to push off, or go up stairs. Heck, this morning when my alarm woke up up, I was real hot, so I decided to flick the blanket off of me with my foot. Doing this sent a huge wave of pain through my foot, ankle, and lower leg.
What gives?!?! This is getting annoying. I have iced it, immobilized it, and wear a wrap around my ankle.
How long does something like this take to heal? I am getting real sick of not being able to play paintball on Thursday nights with my team. Thank god its not ski season.