It has come to my attention that Chug has seemingly dropped off the face of the Earth. Where is this man that has brought so much joy and hate to the lives of a mediocrely/small amount of people. I have devised a list of possible Chug whereabouts. Please, contribute your own ideas too.
1. Jail for pedophilia
2. Jail for public nudity
3. Jail for partying too hard
4. Jail for public intoxication
5. Jail for drug use
6. Jail for drug dealing
7. Jail for driving an unlicensed plane
8. Jail for driving a plane without a license
9. Lost in the Canadian wilderness
10. Living in a beach house in Mexico (where he's obviously from) happily married to Cheese
11. Hell
12. Re-incarnated as David Lesh
The facts are there people.