one of pats great quote
this picture was posted by eye*am*NAKED:

and this was his response:
every single one of your stupid pictures has three kinds of responses
omgmaybifisaysumthingniceulltouchme13: omg hannah like seriously, you're so hot and don't wear 34 lbs of make up and so NOT a slut like fuck all these guys, i'm definitely gonna touch my penis to a 14 year old as soon as i'm done writing this comment; i think about you in the bathroom, will you rub me?
supportiveotherslut3: omg hannah fuck all these guys they just don't get how hard things are 4 u, like they don't understand, you go girl!!!!! SLUTZ 4EVA!!!!!
someonewithabrain: you're a retarded bitch
-Nick Martini
Stept Productions
go buy 'to whom it may concern'
Liberty skis
So what?..... So lets dance!