For you americans, CBC is a major broadcaster in Canada and Q is one of their most popular programs. The this story is from around 3-21 minutes so not long, and it was definitely worth the listen. She interviewed a working photographer as well as a past director of Magnum one of the most influential photojournalist agencies of all time.
Sparknotes: Magnum director argues that it's dead especially in Europe and that why should agencies send photographers to war zones when there are already people there with iphones putting out content. The photographer argues that the Chicago layoffs was just a cover up for a poorly run paper that needed to save money.
I'd just like to hear what you guys think, is photography as journalism a dying art, is everything going to video, or is photography still relevant?
I personally think that I think this applies to skiing, in the last two or three years i've definitely seen a huge shift to video, especially in event coverage. I think that relying on citizens to be at events with iPhones is just stupid, there is a huge difference in quality for professional photographers with real cameras and that the two shouldn't even be compared.