So as some of you know i bought a 7II yesterday, and adter some thought, i have decided to go to a full RF kit, so I'm going to sell my rz kit. This probably won't sell on here, but I figure I would give NS first dibs. Normal signs of use externally, glass is all spotless.
RZ PRO II body
Pro II 120 back
Pro 120 back (no difference)
rapid winder II
110mm 2.8 W (~60mm FF equiv)
50mm f4.5w (~24mm FF equiv)
This is an amazing medium format camera for anyone eaither looking to get into film seriously or someone who is looking to expand their work. the built in bellows allows for a super close minimum focus distance with all lenses, and the modular system allows for expansion and on the fly component changing.
$850 + ship