1. You never gave me any money back, you sent me a shitty supreme shirt to compensate for your incompetent decision to send a new hat in an envelope instead of a box, which then evidently affected it.
2. In your thread when I bought this hat off you, you said it was brand new, and you had only tried it on, therefore you're either lying right now to affect my odds of selling this, or you scammed me and I'll leave you terrible feedback for a dishonest transactions.
3. www.dictionary.com's definition for the word "blemish" is "a mark that detracts from appearance"
and this hat does not have any blemishes, I also fully restored the hat back to its regular self.
I really don't understand why you're trying to ruin my sale, I haven't done anything like this to you, this is rude an unnecessary, and you're lying as well.
Please bugger off.