i agree with the news anchors, why the fuck would you expect to make 15 an hour working at a fucking McDonalds? minimum wage jobs are minimum wage because they require no skill to do them, its what people do as their first job, a part time job to make a little extra money, etc.. work at a fast food place for a year or two and move on, if you cant move on or be promoted to a higher paying position in a fucking mcdonalds, you probably deserve it.
i dont see why people think its such a bad thing to work these shitty minimum wage jobs for a little while. i worked for minimum wage for a little over a year, it sucked and i hated it, but at the same time i never thought i actually deserved more than minimum wage because it was the kind of work a 5 year old could do. and it motivated me like crazy to work hard at it so i could get a good referral and get a better job with better pay. i worked with people who had been there for like 5 years, still in the same position, and just did the minimum work possible, were bad with customers, lazy, etc.. and i dont really feel sympathy for them, if they cant even do that job well, why the hell should they get paid more to do something a little bit harder and a little more important?