OR... You can have a successful job in which you work from home on your own time and can ski every day.
You don't have to be a ski bum to ski every day. Since I got my shit together, I'm definitely not roughing it any more. Just bought ski boots on a whim because they were a good price and I'll probably drop $800 on a camera this week. Skiing is my life. It's my focus. I do as much work as I possibly can that is relevant to skiing. I just don't get sick of it. Some of us are just like that.
I have no idea where I would be if I wasn't into skiing.. Probably still living in Minneapolis. I'd probably work in motion graphics which isn't awful.. but I'm happy I don't. I'd probably be married, have kids.. and when I could find a baby sitter, probably just watching live music or walking the dog I would likely have.
It's rare that you meet someone who isn't passionate about something. I have met a few. One of my best friends didn't really have any passion until she took a wine tasting course and now she's in that world. I did date a guy my first year of college... we had a discussion and I realized he didn't really love any one thing. He liked a lot of things, but there wasn't anything you could talk about that would get him truly excited. We went snowboarding twice... then he got really into it. Now he lives down the street from me, has a career job working for the mountain and snowboards nearly every day.
So I suppose some people just haven't found their passion yet. It's sad, but sometimes you don't have every option in front of you and it takes a while for the opportunity to arise.