It's a great name from a marketing standpoint...they are pushing it as your "ONE" source for entertainment.
and everyone thought the "360" was stupid at first but it just grew on us....I still just call it an xbox anyways.
I'm excited, hoping this will be the end of cable tv and having to pay for a shit load of channels i don't watch just to see the handful I do watch.
One down side is that PS4 and Xbox one will require you to download the game to the hard drive in order to play it....this will basically eliminate used games as you will only be able to download it to one hard drive....or if you buy it used pay a fee that basically after the cost of the used game and the small fee would have been the same as if you bought it new.
Madden, Call of Duty Ghosts, Battlefield 4 and I believe GTA 5 will be released on the xbox one....I'm jacked.