you just have to let go and cut as many ties to her as you can. you're inevitably going to be reminded of her when certain songs come on, you see a picture, anything that can trigger those memories, but the big thing is that you have to do what you can to limit those triggers.
stop talking to her, stop telling yourself it could be ok and you'll get back together, and just keep yourself busy. go exercise, go party with your boys, go do all that shit that helps you bottle up your emotion and forget about the past even if it's only temporary.
then before you know it she'll fade into the background and be nothing but a distant memory.
it's hard, i really feel you, but you just have to be strong and cut her out of the picture. you don't have to be uncivil about how you do it, but it needs to be done. moving on is the hardest thing to do, but once you do, you'll be so much happier. you both will be.