My friends and I went to Iron man 3 a couple days ago and my friend just purchased this prime hand held vape so we thought why not not bring it in for the movie. About half way through the movie we start vaping very discretely the closest person must have been 4 seats down in front of us but they didn't see anything. My friend left to go get food and came back and told us to stop smoking because the theater was smelling like weed so we stopped.
A couple minutes later this usher walks into the theater and looks like he is observing around where we are. He walks out and a little later they stop the show which is fucked. And this time they have security with them and they say, "some one has been smoking reefer in the theater. This is strictly against regals standards." then they point to us three and say "can you guys come with us." They walked up to where we were and forced us out of the theater. We tried to not admit to it but they had a witness say it was us so it was fucked. I admitted to "medicating" because my back pain was kicking in. They wrote me a ticket for smoking marijuana in public and I got a call saying I am no longer allowed a regal theaters.
Pff I'll be back regal theaters Ill be back.
My friends apparently smoke all the time in the theaters but we definitely fucked up some how.