Replying to Schools turning into jails?
So I will give you the story of my schools administration this year.
First with some background: Our high school has always been fairly strict with a closed campus and strictish rules, but this years new administration changed it all.
First off they decided to throw out our schools late start days, we used to get to come to school at 11:00 on Fridays, and everyone loved it. This year they changed it so that every day goes from 8:30 - 3:45. Its an obvious want for more money on the admin's side with no consideration from the students or parents.
Next thing they did was announce that they were building a fence around the school. There was a chain link fence around the school, and they are now making it one of those metal bar fences with spikes on the top facing outwards... They didn't really give a reason for this. We all assumed that it was because they were afraid of outside intruders coming onto the school. Apparently they don't understand that a stranger could just walk in the front, which is always open during the day, or simply CLIMB THE FENCE. A big waste of the money that the students had to go to school more to pay for.
Next they announced that students would not be allowed to go out to their cars during the day to get things. Once you are on campus, you cant even go out to your car. So if you forgot a project in your car and realize it after first period, you actually have to call your parents and ask them to call the front office and say its okay for you to go and get it.
Later in the year they announced that all free periods next year (which are used by students usually to chill out and talk to friends since we cant leave) will be mandatory study halls supervised by teachers.
Something i found very funny was that one of our assistant principles found out that our school soccer club, which i am a part of, was having a party over the weekend. He "heard" that there was going to be illegal substances there (it was at one of my friends house with his parents there). Then told us "this party is not happening, and if I hear that it did, any student who participated will be suspended". Lol at threatining to suspend off of something he "heard".
The grand finale was today, the last day for the seniors notorious for senior pranks. Usually the admin will just make an announcement telling them to stop it or else, but they really didn't care and realized that it was a tradition and nothing they were doing was harmful. THIS year, the admin agreed to let the seniors onto the plaza at 12 midnight last night to draw in chalk on the plaza for some fun. When the seniors got on campus they started drawing "inappropriate images" with the calk. From what i heard, they were writing "jail" and "good luck with [principle] next year". The admin got offended understandably then proceeded to kick everyone out of the school and power wash the whole sidewalk... Okay, this is fine a guess, but then when the seniors came to school and were angry that they were deprived of their original senior prank, they came to school with the plan of a water fight during lunch (oh by the way, no one was allowed inside of the cafeteria because they were afraid a food fight would happen, even though it was close to 100 degrees outside). They had their water fight during the first of two lunches with water bottles and a few water guns on the plaza during lunch and it was completely harmless. Also a few people wrote with window paint on the bathroom mirrors "2013".
Here's where the funny part starts. I was in class as the water fight was happening, and we weren't aware of it until after class. During chem, which was the class that i was in, we were basically just hanging out because we had already taken the final for the class, and had a sub. So an administrator comes into our class, quiets us down, and tells us that for the rest of the day, we were not allowed to leave the classroom that we were in, not for water, bathrooms, or anything. Also during the passing periods teachers were guarding the bathrooms, only allowing in one person at a time, and they had to write down the name of each person who went in and at what time. This basically resulted in many kids being late for class because they had to wait in line for the bathroom and then didn't have time to get to class. Then the admin had the nerve to come on the announcements and tell students that just because of all of the insanity of the day, there was no excuse to not be to class on time.
To finish the day we walked out of the fenced in school with cops standing at every exit monitoring. I heard that some of the people in the water fight even got arrested and were being threatened of being charged with destruction of property and vandalism.
My school is becoming more and more strict with new rules and a fence that are hurting the students. they take small acts way to seriously.
anything like this happening at your school?
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