From harvard health blog
"weed is good yaaa"
that copy and pasted stuff was also researched.
no that's not how you do it. you would say
marijuana can effect the air way then post the study
Airway effects of marijuana, cocaine, and other inhaled illicit agents.
Tashkin DP.
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California 90095-1690, USA.
Several substances besides tobacco are inhaled for recreational purposes, including marijuana, crack cocaine, amyl and butyl nitrites, heroin, methamphetamine, and phencyclidine. Abuse of most of these inhaled substances has risen in recent years, thereby increasing concern about potential pulmonary and other medical complications. Regular marijuana use can lead to extensive airway injury and alterations in the structure and function of alveolar macrophages, potentially predisposing to pulmonary infection and respiratory cancer. Crack cocaine use can lead to a variety of acute pulmonary complications, including severe exacerbations of asthma and an acute lung injury syndrome associated with a broad spectrum of histopathologic changes ("crack lung"). Habitual cocaine smoking may also produce more subtle long-term pulmonary consequences due to chronic alveolar epithelial and microvascular lung injury. Heroin inhalation can induce severe and even fatal exacerbations of asthma. Pulmonary consequences of inhaled amyl and butyl nitrites, crystalline methamphetamine (ice), and phencyclidine have been less well documented.
then post the link
I don't have a PHD in the matter and i didn't claim to, but i have two professors who are doctors and 2 of them do have phd's (although one was in nutrition so i don't think that counts)and i talked to them a lot about medical things from marijuana effects to mdma effects to why they leave out vitamins b8-11 and skip to b-12. so being that one of them actually did research on thc's effect on the brain and worked for the magnetic resonance research center. he would give people thc and put them in an mri and look at their brain so i like to think i have a little knowledge on the matter. should you give a Schizophrenic weed, no it would probably make it worse, but i like to think i know what im talking about.
so good day sir im out of this stupid fucking thread.