I'll start.
There's this girl that I've been friends with for awhile. We hung out a few times outside of school and I really loved being around her. I asked her out once over a year ago. She said no, but I moved on. After a few more let downs and some mental problems. I started changing for her. I became less negative, less of a downer, looked for a better job harder, broke some habits, and became a happier person. I had my friend talk to her and just let her know how I feel. He did and he told me that she wasn't interested in dating at the moment, but she was thinking about me. I was in such a great mood for about a week and I was going to give it about a another month or two before I asked her again. My impatient self decided that maybe I could try talking to her about it. She laughed in my face after everything I went through. The last thing I told her was exactly how felt and what I did. She said "Thanks I guess..."
And that was that. We aren't talking at all, I'm avoiding her, and I gave up. I regret having been so impatient and it sucks that it had to end like that.
Will there be any serious replies?