Since i was adopted at the young age of 1 year and 8 months, there has always been strife between my mother and i. It got pretty serious when i turned 5. She started to put me down all the time and what not and never treated my like her other kids. moving onto age 16, my parents got a divorce last summer, and my mom blamed it all on me. she told me repeatedly that if i wasn't here her marriage would've been saved..she also always has threatened to send me back to russia...and i'm not too bad of a dad knows it...after they got a divorce and moved out, my mom kicked me out of her house. on october 3 2012. i went over for 15min on christmas eve, and i was there 25 min yesterday. she told me off again yesterday when i was trying to rekindle our relationship. I haven't talked to my mom for years, like really talked to her..and it messes with me...but yesterday she started to call me out on everything i've done wrong and told me she just still doesn't want me to live with her.
so i called her the fuck out.
i told her that she should have unconditional love for her child that she claims to love so much. and there should be no reason why she should ever leave. i told her she was a shitty mom who was never there for me when i needed her and went back to my dads.
i'm never going back again.
i'm not hurt at all..i'm numb..i'm kinda used to the shit. should i feel bad...? i honestly don't know..maybe it's just too soon....
you're a douche
momma hater