A while back I was on a school bus and had an apple core that someone asked me to throw out the window to dispose of for them. I heard some kids from various places on the bus saying stuff like, "throw it at a car," "hit that car," and what not; needless to say I kinda wanted to test my aim. Tossed the apple core pretty gingerly out the window sort of aiming sort of not. But what happened next I never thought would happen in a million years. The apple core went straight through the window of the car. Someone yelled, "YOU HIT A BABY!" Im not sure why it certainly wasn't a baby but, a woman sitting in the passenger that I hit in the head. I was shocked at first but then I saw brake lights. I thought I was fucked. A police car happened to be driving by and pulled over to see the commotion, me still watching from the bus. Then ambulences were called, principles were coming out to talk to the people and I had to tell the rent a cop at our school that I was the one that through the apple and exit the bus infront of a bus load of kids. Eventually after it was all done my dad and I went to the hospital to check on the woman but there was nobody there under her name when we got there. The only reason I didn't get in any trouble was because I claimed, even to the headmaster of the school, that I wasn't watching when I though the core out the window. And to this day when anybody asks, even my close friends, I always say," I will claim that I wasn't watching till I die." That is of course until now I guess.
(p.s. After reading over that it doesn't really sound like I feel sorry or regret it in anyway. I absolutely do and it was a horrible thing to do; I still feel like the worlds biggest asshole)