is this directed at me?
because like i said earlier, i believe in the separation of church and state, and regardless of that, im completely ok with gay marriage. i dont necessarily think of marriage and gay marriage as completely equal practices, i associate marriage more with a religious tradition while gay marriage i associate more with just a union between two people who love eachother. shit even if gays want to get married through a religious institution, im all for them trying, just dont cry when it doesnt work out too well..
but in defense of the anti gay marriage people, when you associate marriage as a union between a man and woman, a tradition practiced by your religion for hundreds or thousands of years. i dont see how its hateful to not support gay marriage when its so obviously not a part of your religion, beliefs, tradition, etc.. like i said before, the religious people i know dont support gay marriage within their church, family, and religion, but are completely fine with homosexuality and civil unions. they just believe marriage is between a man and a woman because to them, thats what they were raised on and what their family, religion, etc.. believe. even if they arent religious, some people dont believe in gay marriage because they associate marriage with a man and woman having kids, raising a family, continuing the family name, etc..
again, its not very "accepting" of you to stereotype everyone who doesnt believe in gay marriage as gay hating anti-homosexuality everything, ignorant, etc..
you dont seem to be able to differentiate between people who hate and people who have beliefs. they are not the same thing.
its your belief, and my belief, that gays should be able to get married, have civil unions, whatever you want to call it. and its religious (or some non religious) peoples belief that marriage is between a man and a woman. neither side is ignorant until pointless hate's involved.