They already can live their lives together...
The gay marriage issue isn't even about gay marriage. It's about conservatives trying to stick it to the liberals, and liberals trying to stick it to the conservatives. Liberals try to say it's about freedom and equality, but they don't give a shit about equality. If they did, they'd be fighting equally hard for incestuous and polygamous marriage. Nor do they give a shit about freedom. If they did, they'd be fighting tooth and nail for drug legalization. The conservative arguments are equally unconvincing. They try to say it goes against God and the Bible. Haven't they ever heard of the separation of church and state? Also, they try to say it hurts the children. All evidence says that isn't true at all; children of gay parents do just as well, if not better, on average than children of straight parents.
Both sides really just care about hurting the other. It makes sense, too. Why should conservatives care who marries who? The answer is they don't. And why should the majority heterosexual liberal population care whether or not gays get a couple trivial legal rights? They don't either; they just want to beat the Republicans.
In conclusion, I hate you all. Fight for a real cause.