I don't think that's something that you need a college degree for and if you pay out of state tuition you're coming out of school with $100K+ in debt and you're going to be pretty fucked.
If you've ever worked in he 'outdoor industry' you know that you're going to catering to over entitled gapers. I would rather put a gun in my mouth than deal with fucking affluent Texans all day. And fuck living in some mountain town year round with the same 2,000 people.
$60K is inadequate if you're trying to support yourself and others. How do you support your parents or a family down the line? Oh, Becky, we can't get you braces for 4 years because dad wanted to bum it and stuff hairy girls in resort towns for a decade.
I do commute in traffic and I do work a desk job. And my easiest day during the month is orders of magnitude harder than your hardest day. Yea, that sucks, but I also live within walking distance of surfing and I guarantee that I get more days in the water than you get on the mountain, river, etc. I do wish I had more time off but that isn't really an option in many industries, it's either you do or you don't. And the benefits of doing it greatly outweigh the benefits of not doing it.
Success isn't about how much money you make, but there is a correlation between the two. If you're actually doing public good on a large scale and in an innovative way you're likely going to be compensated commensurately with that. Yes, I have turned down opportunities that would allow me to make considerably more money but those are providing no value to society and not allow me to surf/ski. So I think my priorities are much more in line with providing a benefit to society, increasing my happiness and providing for my future. Yours on the other hand seem very myopic and self centered.