So for my Music class we had to find an interesting article on music and babies brains. I found an interesting article from the BBC, and started doing an analysis on the article when I stumbled across a youtube video called "Baby Mozart". Its about 25 minutes long and plays mozart while showing child's toys and occasionally shows a random puppet doing an action of some sorts. After watching the first minute I randomly remembered this logo from the video that says "The baby Einstein company" along with the little face next to it from when I was young. Then a few minutes in this green dinosaur like thing came into the shot and went "blah" after hearing that I then remembered watching the video again in vivid detail sitting in my high chair as a kid. My mom came home and I asked her if she showed this to me as a kid, and said she did. I must have watched it when I was 2 or 3 and remember some things in detail, and some things not at all. It just seems really weird and I came on NS to ask anyone if they've had anything like this happen to them. Heres the vid